Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy for Low Back Pain Caused by Sacroiliac Joint Laxity. (2010)
In this retrospective case report study, the effectiveness of PRP Prolotherapy for back pain is discussed.
Prolotherapy for Low Back Pain. (2007)
This review article discusses the why and how Prolotherapy works to help resolve low back pain, with case reports.
Injection Therapy for Enthesopathies Causing Axial Spine Pain and “The Failed Back Syndrome”” A Single Blinded Randomized and Cross-Over Study. (2005)
Prolotherapy injections were compared to anesthetic injections alone and found to provide pain relief even in patients with Failed Back Syndrome.
Prolotherapy Injections, Saline Injections and Exercises for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. (2004)
Significant and sustained reductions in pain and disability occurred with both dextrose and saline prolotherapy injections, with or without exercise.