Following an evidence based approach, Prolotherapy has been shown to be effective in sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain.
A Randomizd Controlled Trial of Intra-articular Prolotherapy versus Steroid Injection for Sacroiliac Injection. (2010)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and long-term effectiveness of intraarticular Prolotherapy in relieving sacroiliac joint pain compared with intraarticular steroid injection and showed a significantly statistical improvement in the Prolotherapy group vs. the steroid group at 15 months post treatment.
Platelet-Rich Plasma Prolotherapy for Low Back Pain Caused by Sacroiliac Joint Laxity. (2010)
Sacroiliac joint laxity and dysfunction is a common cause of low back pain. In this interesting article, Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy, along with other modalities, are discussed as used to resolve this type of low back pain.
Prolotherapy for Pelvic Ligament Pain: A Case Report. (2009)
This study illustrates Patients with LBP may benefit from Prolotherapy to aid in reducing pelvic and lumbar instability in conjunction with manual therapy and exercise to improve dynamic pelvic stability.
The Use of Prolotherapy in the Sacroiliac Joint. (2008)
This descriptive study of Prolotherapy in private practice has shown positive clinical outcomes for the 76% of patients who attended the 3-month follow-up visits.